One of the many ways WLG works to develop skills is through our monthly coaching program. The coaching program is a monthly 1-hour virtual conference call hosted by an executive coach. The coach is typically a city/county manager or an assistant city/county manager. The participants can be WLG members at any level of their organization, who are interested in their own professional development.
Work with the WLG Coaching Call Coordinator to develop a topic of interest for the group.
Once the topic is developed, it is suggested that the coach provide a brief reading assignment, scenario, book, or other materials that may assist in the topic discussion. Provide this information to the group 1-2 weeks before the scheduled call-in date.
Prepare a list of questions in advance that will stimulate the conversation.
On the call-in date, you will facilitate the virtual meeting. Make sure you get everyone’s name and place of employment once everyone is on the call (oftentimes, participants do not RSVP).
Engage and lead the group conversation for the hour.
It’s as easy as that!
Understanding the role and collaboration of the City/County Manager and Assistant City/County Manager. Or advancing to the role of the CM or Assistant CM.
How to ask for constructive feedback that will really help you to change and improve.
Tough issues we are faced with. Possibly revolve around planning, economic development, innovation and customer service internally, sustainability, HR, purchasing, etc.
How women’s leadership capabilities are influencing the public sector.
Effective communication (written and verbal).
Team building: networking and building allies in an organization.
How to overcome resistance from staff.
Understanding the political arena and tools to maintain a balanced, collaborative relationship.
How to be influential without being characterized as overbearing.
Strategies and tools for working with a difficult boss.
Staying motivated and/or motivating your staff.
Council goal setting and how to get your Council to discuss goals.
How to get your junior staff in front of your elected officials in making presentations without scaring them off.
Managing the world of social media: why, how, and when to get involved.
Salary negotiation.