Upcoming Events

RE-Defining Leadership: Embracing Intention, Grit, Grace, & Humility
Join us in exploring new and joyful approaches to transforming our lives by giving yourself a day at the Texas Women Leading Government Annual Conference.

2022 Arizona Women Leading Government Conference
2022 Arizona Women Leading Government Conference
Thursday, October 20-Friday, October 21, 2022
Glendale Civic Center
To register for the conference, click on the link below
Women Leading Government Conference Registration
Please read the information tab on the registration website!
The two-day conference format includes several inspirational keynote speakers, educational concurrent sessions and plenty of networking time! Registration is limited and on a first come first served basis.
Jane Morris Scholarship (we encourage small and/or rural community attendees to apply)
WLG Scholarship (first time attendees)
*If you are unable to complete online registration and need to use an alternative method of payment instead of a credit card, you may download a copy of the manual registration form & invoice: Manual Registration
Please submit the form to both your organization for payment and to WLG at wlg@azleague.org to reserve your spot. MANUAL REGISTRATION FORMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7. Any forms received after October 7 will not be accepted for registration and individuals will be required to register through the online method or register onsite at the day-of registration rates if registration isn’t full. Check payment for any manual registrations must be received by October 14 or the registration will be deemed invalid.

2022 ICMA Annual Conference
September 17-21, 2022
The 2022 ICMA Annual Conference will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center (GCCC).
Bringing the local government community together for unparalleled leadership and professional development, networking, and best-in-class programming.

2022 ICMA Equity Summit
ICMA is moving the needle, putting plans into action, and creating a more equitable future!

Lunch & Learn Webinar!
The Texas Women Leading Government Gulf Coast Chapter Presents:
Lunch & Learn Webinar!
July 26th from 12:00 P.M. To 1:00 P.M.
Join Karen Daly, Director of the Texas Women’s Leadership Institute (TWLI), as she shares how to succeed in public service by enhancing career-building models that develop leadership skills and by networking professional women in Government.

SheLeadsGov Virtual Forum: Resilience 2.0: Redefining Resilient Women in Local Government
The second annual SheLeadsGov Virtual Forum, Resilience 2.0: Redefining Resilient Women in Local Government, is a unique professional development opportunity to assess and enhance your resiliency in order to achieve professional and personal goals in 2022. Created by ICMA and the League of Women in Government, we, along with event sponsor and ICMA strategic partner Cigna, have designed a day that will inspire all local government professionals to recruit, recognize, and retain talented women amidst the continued changing and challenging pandemic.
We have filled the Virtual Forum with thought-provoking and motivational speakers, but that's not all! You will make amazing connections with other women and men in the local government profession, take breaks to clear your mind and relax, and learn new tools and approaches you need to overcome the overwhelm and empower your voice to manage stress, improve the blurred boundaries of home and office, and recharge your resiliency.
This extraordinary day offers something for women and men of all ages, and at all career stages. So, if you're ready to achieve success in 2022 and beyond, join us for the SheLeadsGov Virtual Forum!
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 (International Women’s Day)
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Fee: Registration is COMPLIMENTARY for ICMA members and nonmembers, courtesy of event sponsor Cigna.
NOTE: This event will be capped at 1,000 participants. Save your seat today!
Participants of the SheLeadsGov Virtual Forum will learn how to:
Disable their silence and use their voice to do scary things.
Improve their resiliency through stress management.
Remove barriers to support themselves and their peers to keep women in local government.

SheLeadsGov Virtual Forum: Maintaining Momentum: Achieving Success through Resiliency
A day of inspiration presented by ICMA and the League of Women in Government, sponsored by Cigna.