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UTWLG Virtual Meeting

Equal Pay

Video for discussion: Equal Pay: From Head Nodding to Hand Clapping

Discussion questions:

  1. During a previous meeting, Erin Wells spoke about how her counterpart at her first job got 25% more than her simply by asking and how she was just so grateful for the opportunity she didn’t even think to ask for more. What are some ways you think we can buoy up our own perceived value?

  2. She mentions multiple reasons and issues that women face when it comes to equal pay – lack of negotiation, where you live, your race, age and/or education, pauses in working time, requests to know your previous salary - have you noticed any of these issues in your life or career?

  3. What are ways that you have or you think you could utilize her calls to action to address equal pay?

  • Leaders – Conduct a pay audit

  • Managers – Measure outcomes, not appearances

  • Mentors – Step forward, men, not back

  • Parents – Let your daughters fail

  • Everyone – Own this problem

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UTWLG Virtual Meeting

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