March 2022-October 2022
This Institute provides aspiring women in local government with connections, content, tools and opportunities to further develop their skills to strengthen the pipeline for women to lead communities in Virginia and beyond. The Institute is designed to:
Teach tangible and transformational leadership skills to increase self-confidence, knowledge and ability
Provide connection and content to strengthen leadership skills
Create a long-lasting support network among cohort participants and women leaders in local government
Build the pipeline of women leading local government in Virginia
WHO: The cohort will be limited to twenty (20) women aspiring for leadership positions in local government. Participants should be prepared to be actively engaged and attend every session to learn from one another and from content leaders.
WHEN: The program will launch Thursday, March 17, 2022 in Roanoke, VA and will continue monthly through October 2022 with a hybrid format including five on-site, full-day sessions and three half-day virtual sessions. Two optional on-site, half-day sessions are included.
WHERE: In-person sessions will be held at Virginia Tech Higher Education sites located throughout the Commonwealth. The first and last sessions are confirmed for the Roanoke Center.
Each session will begin with “Connection before Content,” a time to build relationships as the cohort spends eight months building skills to strengthen women’s presence at all leadership levels in local government.
Following is a sampling of the Institute’s curriculum:
Know Thyself (and One Another)
Thoughts on Leadership vs. Management
Leadership Fundamentals for Frontline Supervisors
Leading Practices in Finance, Budget and Community Engagement
Using Social Media: Truth and Consequences
A Dose of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
The Art of Executive Public Speaking/Presentations
Creating an Inclusive Workplace
Getting the Job
Optional half-day sessions:
Leading Practices in Creating an Organizational Vision and Strategic Plan
Work/Life Balance, Mindful Leadership and Neuroscience
$1,000 not including hotel or meals not included in the Institute. Scholarships are available for members of the Virginia Risk Sharing Association (VRSA) through their Risk Management Grant funds.
If you are interested in attending the inaugural Virginia Women’s Municipal Leadership Institute, please email a letter expressing why you want to attend the Institute with your resume to Bonnie Svrcek, Institute Coordinator at no later than February 4, 2022.
Cohort participants will be notified no later than February 11, 2022 of their acceptance in the Institute.
Approximately 4.8 Continuing Education units/48 contact hours will be available through the Virginia Tech Continuing and Professional Education.